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丁亚奎,工学博士,讲师,博士毕业于北京师范大学。作为核心成员参与国家重点专项计划项目、中科院A类先导项目、国家自然科学基金项目等7项,已在Earth’s Future、Energy、Science of the Total Environment等国际重要期刊发表论文近20篇。


1. 国家重点专项计划项目:珠江三角洲城市群生态安全保障技术(2016-2020)——“城市群生态安全格局网络设计与生态安全保障技术(2016YFC0502803)”。

2. 中科院A类先导项目(2018-2022):绿色丝绸之路建设之“中亚大湖区水和生态时空变化和风险评估”(XDA20060302)。

3. 北京市科学技术研究院技术项目(2018-2019):北京城市能源系统气候变化适应性分析技术研发(PXM2018_178215_000004)。

4. 北京市自然科学基金联合资助项目(L160011):京津冀城市群能源-环境系统分析及协同优化。

5. 国家电网公司科学技术项目(2017-2019):经济新常态下满足多目标约束的中国能源供需模拟仿真与综合评价模型研究(5217L017000N)。

6. 国家电网公司科学技术项目(2017-2019):我国多区域能源供需综合分析预测模型体系研究及开发。


1. Ding, Y. K., Li, Y. P.*, Zheng, H. R., Ma, Y., Huang, G. H., Li, Y. F. & Shen, Z. Y., 2022. Mapping water, energy and carbon footprints along urban agglomeration supply chains. Earth’s Future, 10(4).

2. Ding, Y. K., Li, Y. P.*, Zheng, H. R., Meng, J., Lv, J. & Huang, G. H., 2022. Identifying critical energy-water paths and clusters within the urban agglomeration using machine learning algorithm. Energy, 250, 123880.

3. Ding, Y. K., Li, Y. P.* & Liu, Y. R., 2020. Spatial-temporal assessment of agricultural virtual water and uncertainty analysis: The case of Kazakhstan (2000-2016). Science of the Total Environment, 724, 138155.

4. Ding, Y. K., Li, Y. P. & Huang, G. H., 2020. The water footprint of Uzbekistan’s agricultural products: 1980-2010. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 435, 12018.

5. Ding, Y. K., Fukuda, T., Yabuki, N. & Michikawa, T. 2015. A Measurement Tool for Visible Greenery Ratio Derived from Gaussian Blur, Hue and Saturation Filtering. 2nd International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics, ICCBEI 2015.

6. Ding, Y. K., Fukuda, T., Yabuki, N., Michikawa, T. & Motamedi, A.. 2016. Automatic measurement system of visible greenery ratio using augmented reality. 21st International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia: Living Systems and Micro-Utopias: Towards Continuous Designing, CAADRIA 2016.

7. 丁亚奎,福田知弘,矢吹信喜,道川隆士. 緑視率自動測定システムに関する基礎的検討,《日本建築学会・情報システム技術委員会 第37回情報・システム・利用技術シンポジウム 論文集》,155-158,2014.12.

8. 丁亚奎,福田知弘,矢吹信喜,道川隆士.利用模板匹配来构建自动测量绿视率的系统,《日本建築学会・情報システム技術委員会 第38回情報・システム・利用技術シンポジウム論文集》,153-156,2015.12.

9. Zhou, B.Y., Li, Y. P.*, Ding, Y. K., Huang, G. H. & Shen, Z. Y, 2023. An input-output-based Bayesian neural network method for analyzing carbon reduction potential: A case study of Guangdong province. Journal of Cleaner Production, 389.

10. Lv, J., Li, Y. P.*, Huang, G. H., Ding, Y. K., Li, X. & Li, Y., 2022. Planning energy economy and eco-environment nexus system under uncertainty: A copula-based stochastic multi-level programming method. Applied Energy, 312, 118736.

11. Zhang, S.Q., Li, Y. P.*, Huang, G. H., Ding, Y. K. & Yang, X., 2022. Developing a copula-based input-output method for analyzing energy-water nexus of Tajikistan. Energy, 266, 126511.

12. Ma, Y., Li, Y. P.*, Huang, G. H., Zhang, Y. F., Liu, Y. R., Wang, H. & Ding, Y. K., 2022. Planning water-food-ecology nexus system under uncertainty: Tradeoffs and synergies in Central Asia. Agricultural Water Management, 266, 107549.

13. Liu, Y. R., Li, Y. P.* & Ding, Y. K., 2021. Quantifying uncertainties in temperature projections: A factorial-analysis-based multi-ensemble downscaling (FAMED) method. Atmospheric Research, 247, 105241.

14. Zhang, H., Li, Y. P.*, Sun, J., Liu, J., Huang, G. H., Ding, Y. K.& Wu, X. J., 2021. A two-stage factorial-analysis-based input-output model for virtual-water quantification and metabolic-network identification in Kyrgyzstan. Journal of Cleaner Production, 301, 126960.

15. Wu, X. J., Li, Y. P.*, Liu, J., Huang, G. H., Ding, Y. K., Sun, J. & Zhang H., 2021. Identifying optimal virtual water management strategy for Kazakhstan: A factorial ecologically-extended input-output model. Journal of Environmental Management, 297, 153 113303.

16. Wang, G. Y., Liu, J., Ding, Y. K., Chen, L. R. &Li, Y. P., 2020. CO2 Mitigation in Fujian Province: an Input-output based Network Utility Analysis Method. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 435, 12037.

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